How much will my book cost?
This is probably the question I get asked the most and unfortunately, it’s not a simple answer. There are many factors to take into consideration, so let’s look at all the things you need to think about so that you can get a rough idea of your publishing costs.
Useful Links
→ Blog post - how much will it cost to publish my fiction novel
→ Publishing your book: What, how and everything in between
→ How to Create a Children’s Picturebook: A guide for children's authors
→ The Pen to Published Podcast -> Common questions answered including how much will it cost
What to think about before you start
Fiction: Do you need to plan your book? If you get someone to help you with this, then you may incur a cost. I have a book plan masterclass that you may find useful.
Children’s book: Just like with fiction, you may need help planning your book - I have a book plan masterclass that you may find useful - or if you haven’t already bought my book How to Create a Children's Picture Book: A Guide for Children’s authors, you can buy it here.
Business/non-fiction: Do you have a book plan? Business books require planning. You need to make sure your book flows and covers all of the things you want to write about. There are lots of people who help with this, and I offer a blueprint plan session.
You may find this series of our podcast useful -> Season 1 of The Pen to Published Podcast
Power hour - if you want to discuss anything about your book, from the initial idea to what is next then you can get an hour with me for £95!
Beta readers/structural edit
Fiction: Before you send the book to an editor, you need to make sure it’s in good enough shape for them to edit your book. This is why getting beta readers is so valuable. They will give you honest feedback and hopefully point out any loopholes. You can find beta readers for free and Facebook is a good place to start.
You can also pay people to help you with this and the cost will depend on the length of the book. If you think your novel needs a structural edit, then you’ll need to add this to your costs.
Expect to pay anything from £350*
Children’s picture books: As the word count is usually a lot less than other genres, this isn’t a step that is needed. However, if your book isn’t quite right, especially a rhyming book, then you may find the editor will give some feedback. If your book requires additional help then be prepared to pay from £60 for extra help.
Business/non-fiction: Making sure your book is ready for the next step, as in it flows, it makes sense and you have all of the right elements is important. There are lots of people who help with this and I offer a structural edit service.
Copy line edit
All books will require a copy edit, including a children’s picture book.
Costs depend on word length, how well you write and whether you’ve used beta readers or had a structural edit.
Prices start from £14 per 1,000 words, or if it’s a children's picture book (300 -1,500 words), prices will vary on style (rhyming or prose) and start from £250**
This is usually done after the book has been laid out. I always advise a proofread no matter the genre or style of book. Again prices vary depending on the project, but start from £9 per 1,000 words.
If it’s a children’s picture book this is usually included in the initial copy edit price***
This usually applies to children’s picture books - but may be needed for non-fiction too.
If this is for a children's picture book, then it’ll be your biggest cost. Your book will probably need various styles of illustrations, from spot pics, to full or half-page, to double-page spreads. Each will have their own price point. Spot pics will start from £60 each.
Click here to join our Writers Refinery Facebook page where we have an illustrators directory
This is where the book gets set out to look like a book.
Fiction - prepare to pay from £6.25 per 1,000 words
Children’s picture book - prepare to pay from £350 for 32 pages
Business/non-fiction - this is really hard to give a price from as it depends on the complexity of the book. Tables, bullets, box outs etc all add to the cost. Prepare to pay anything from £11.50 per 1,000 words to £12.50 per 1,000
Cover and ISBN
Covers with ISBN start from £250
ISBNs can be obtained in several ways. I suggest you discuss where you obtain these from before you start your project.
Social media sharing assets and promo
3D Image & QR codes range from £30-45
Press pack promo - £195
Printing prices change frequently. Costs are created depending on paper choice, book size, cover choice, whether it’s black and white or colour and how many you print at one time.
KDP account creation and upload service - if you need help creating your KDP account we offer a service over Zoom to help you. (This is £95)
If you already have a KDP account, then to help upload your books it’s £45
Click here for the KDP upload and Kindle edition conversion service
Kindle edition
Just like with printing, this quote is based on the final page count. Expect to pay anywhere from £60-£160 depending on size of book.
Click here for the KDP upload and Kindle edition conversion service
Other costs
Photos: If you are using stock photography for your project, then be prepared to pay for each picture. If you use any commercial photographers then you’ll need to gain a republishing licence. These all vary in costs.
Distribution: You can pay companies to stock and distribute your books for you. This is usually a percentage of the cover price.
Website/Landing page: You may wish to set up a website or landing page where people can buy your books.
*as I don’t have the word count, it’s really hard to give a specific price. Please bear this in mind when getting rough figures together. Costs will be finalised when specifics are given.
**Again, this is just a from price. If your book requires a lot of edits, and or extra help then this price will vary.
*** If you use our services, then the quote you are given for the copy-edit, will include a proofread as well.
**** Complex business books are really hard to give a price from. Please bear this in mind when self-costing your project.
If you have any questions do get in touch by email at or call 07935 366630