Blueprint Plan Session


You want to write a book, but where do you start?

Our ‘Blueprint Plan Session’ walks you through the process and gives you the backbone of your book. It is produced with enough detail to make the writing process (of the content) stress free and relatively easy. In fact, once you have this plan written your book will almost write itself.


Where do you start?

Our ‘Blueprint Plan Session’ walks you through the process and gives you the backbone of your book. It is produced with enough detail to make the writing process (of the content) stress free and relatively easy. In fact, once you have this plan written your book will almost write itself.

Perhaps you’ve already written a plan, but you’re not sure if it’s in enough detail, or you just want another pair of eyes (someone who knows what a good plan should look like) to take a look and make sure it covers everything it needs too? Well this planning service will make sure that it is.

What the service offers:

  • A brainstorm of what you want your book to do
  • Making sure you’ve identified your target reader
  • We identify your call to action (what you want the reader to do once they’ve read the book)
  • An actual plan of your book – this is your whole book, mapped out ready for you to fill in the blanks
  • A schedule for writing your plan/or if you’ve written one, an overview of its content.

You will get an initial call with me (30 mins) to discuss where you’re at, then a second planning call (approx 75 mins) where we map out your book and you have your blueprint ready for you to fill in and get writing. You will also have some research to do for title ideas, possible URL identification and cover ideas.


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