If you are wanting to sell your book in bookshops or on sites like Amazon.co.uk (or .com) then you will need an ISBN (International Standard Book Number). This is the black and white lined graphic (with 13 numbers underneath) that appears on the back of the book jacket.
While your book is at the typesetters you’ll need to apply for an ISBN*.
You can do this several ways;
1. Buy from a broker.
For example, Compass-Publishing (a subsidiary of The Book Refinery) are ISBN brokers and charge just £79 – they provide our clients with ISBNs as required. Simply click the Compass-Publishing link (in green) above and you will be directed to the website.
2. Buy ISBNs direct from Nielsens.
Click on the Services for new publishers on the left hand menu – and then follow their instructions.
You will need to give the dimensions of your book, including the total page count and you will have to supply the ‘Title Verso’ page – ask your typesetter for this.
NOTE: You have to buy a minimum of 10 (at a cost of roughly £120) so if you are not planning on writing another book, I suggest you stick with me.
3. Your book cover designer might provide an ISBN for you. (Ask if this is included when you’re sourcing a book cover designer – see below for more details.)
One thing to remember – once you have purchased your ISBN (if not supplied by your cover designer) you will have to download or convert it into a barcode like graphic.
*Just remember, if you do decide to buy your own ISBN – they can take up to 10 working days (from submission) so do calculate that when applying for it.