What I’m about to share with you is something I NEVER thought I would.
In fact, I feel disloyal to who I am… who I thought I was.
I NEVER thought I would be this person… but I’m a convert. And it’s surprised me and my productivity has gone through the roof!
I’ve joined the 5.30am club.
Yup, I’ve said it. 5.30am. Am I totally insane!?
How to be more productive
It all started a few weeks ago, when a sneaky deadline caught up with me. I mean I like working to a deadline, but I had left this one until it was too late, and I had to do something drastic to make sure I met it.
And that was getting up earlier.
Now some might like to work later… but by 6pm my concentration takes a sharp nose dive, so I knew working later wasn’t going to work for me. So, I tried the opposite end of the spectrum and honestly, I’m enjoying it. (Not the deadline, but the productivity!)
The thing about early mornings is; no one else is up.
And that means, no distractions, both physically and online.
I can work at my desk with no interruptions, and that, more than anything has been revolutionary to my production levels.
As soon at 9 am hits, the pings and pongs of email, Facebook, LinkedIn et all start making themselves known and then it’s other people’s agendas.
But at 5.30 – it’s just me and my to-do list.
Crossing 5 things off before the email box comes alive is pretty awesome.
Being able to finish at a decent time still allows me to have an ‘evening’ and I’m going to bed confident that my stuff is getting done.
I’m sleeping better too. (Interestingly, I’m not going to bed earlier either, around the 10pm mark)
Be careful how you label yourself
I guess the biggest lesson for me was challenging my belief of ‘I’m NOT a morning person.’ This statement is not true. I’m actually very focused first thing, and it’s completely changed the way I work.
Be careful how you label yourself, because you COULD be missing out on something really rather good!
Will I continue this habit once my workload quietens? I hope so as I’m loving the productivity I’m experiencing at the moment.
Perhaps I can join the 5.30 journal, yoga, hot lemon club too!
#justkidding #maybenot
If you want to read more about getting up earlier, then I highly recommend Hal Elrod’s book – The Miracle Morning – it’s a fantastic book and full of interesting insights and life-altering strategies – it’s much more than just how to get up earlier!
Interesting. Two years ago, I was on a course and we all agreed to meet on a regular basis at 6 am. I was definitely NOT an early bird, but found the extra time in the day to be invaluable. I now get up at 6 am two or three mornings a week. As for 05.30 – that’s just a bit too early to start work – but I do set my alarm for 05.40 – so not sure if that counts or not!