I once had a fellow business owner say, “I could never write a book!” and then watch her write one that became an Amazon bestseller. She’s now writing her second. I felt immense satisfaction I’d proved her wrong, (something she isn’t keen on) but seeing her success is fab.
Listen, writing a book when you know how isn’t hard. I know I keep banging on about it but it’s true.
Yes it takes discipline and tenacity. But what worthwhile goal doesn’t?
With the right help (and plan) authorship is achievable. My book, Publish Your Way to More Clients walks you through the whole process… #justsaying.
Just like I thought I would never be a runner (something I told myself all my life) I now run regularly and have completed many 5k, 8k and 10k races.
Running is a bit like writing. You need a training schedule (plan), you need to train (write), and you need to get out and do it (write some more).
Why is writing a book worthwhile?
Want to show your clients that you’re an expert in what you do? – Obvs
Want to have a device that does the heavy lifting at the front end? – Obvs
Want to be uber cool and see your name on a cover of a book? – Obvs
Those are your whys.
You don’t need me to explain the magic that is a book. You wouldn’t be reading this if you didn’t want to learn how to create a piece of that magic. But if you want a list of traits which explains the mindset behind an author, then here goes…
- Confidence
- Ability
- Aptitude
- Tenacity
And who doesn’t want to show off those to your prospective clients or customers? (And, as a side note, once you’ve got past the “but I can’t” and start, it gets easier. And when you’ve finished the book you are, by default, all of those traits!)
But what do I write about?
What to write about? Well that’s easy.
- What do your customers have the biggest issue with?
- What is it they are always emailing you about (and you have a pre-written email because it gets asked ALL the time, which you reply with).
- What blog subject gets the most response
Those ideas are your books’ content.
Never underestimate what your potential client wants to learn about what you do. I got into a bit of a discussion with an owner of a security firm over on LinkedIn. He basically told me his customers wouldn’t read a book about his business – I disagreed. We kept it civil, we joked and had a bit of a laugh… two weeks later he posted a story on LinkedIn about someone he met at a party and how he had to explain to him why having security was important (the chap at the party didn’t agree) – but the answer he gave him – which was what he posted on LinkedIn – could have been his introduction to the book.
Of course I was very happy to tell him as such and remind him that that was the person who would read his book. He conceded my point!
Think of your clients’ biggest pain point, how you help to fix that, then write about it.
Okay then, how?
Well, firstly you want to want to write a book. Nothing happens by ‘wishing’. Just like when I started my running journey, I had to change my voice from “I don’t run” into “I’d like to start.”
If you think you can’t write a book, then you probably won’t start. But if you think you could write a book, then here are the steps;
- You make a plan (explained in my book).
- You write.
It really is that simple.
But what about the publishing bit?
Well, you can;
a) do that yourself – but it’s a right pain.
Or b) give it to me, and I take care of the rest; editing, typesetting, cover design, and publishing/printing.
You then market it to your clients – I also offer uploading service to Amazon, Ingram and can get the book converted to Kindle or other eBook devices.
Remind me why I want to write a book Alexa?
- It does all the heavy lifting when someone is deciding who to work with.
- It’s the first port of call when someone is looking at your services.
- It’s the business card that works like nothing else. Being able to say “here’s my book” gives you a superpower. Trust me.
- Being able to say Author after your name highlights your credibility. It shows people you know your sh*t.
- It opens doors.
- It sets you up above your ‘non-author’ competitors.
So, there you have it. I hope I’ve shifted your thinking of, “I could never write a book!” to, “This sounds like something I could try.”
Recourses that will help; My Book
My writing course – The 5-day Kickstarter write your first book course.
I’m here when you need me!
Your passion well and truly comes through in this blog!
Ahh, thank you Paula!
Great read – you make it sound super simple!!