As most solo entrepreneurs know, working and making all the magic happen in your business on your own can be lonely and exhausting. The constant need for coming up with new ideas, managing all of the parts that keep it making money and moving forwards, and that’s before we get to the relentless social media presence that can test the most resilient of creatives.
Finding and being part of online groups (no matter the space, Facebook, LinkedIn etc) can be a great way of finding support, inspiring new ideas and making great connections that not only become valuable collaborators but ultimately friends too.
A lot of creatives think that they should be the only source of ideas, when in actual fact, finding and collaborating with like minded business owners can be one of the most rewarding and profitable decisions.
Collaborating your talents with other service providers can open so many doors… it’s a ripple effect that causes large waves and therefore more profit.
One such Facebook group that has had a major impact on my business is The Northern Lass Lounge which is run by Kylie Dixon; never did I think a group would impact my business to the extent it has.
Not only have I learnt a lot (the group helps women online with social media) but I’ve made genuine family level friends. When I first joined I was based in Portsmouth, about as far south as you could get considering the target audience is for those living in the North East (Durham, Newcastle and Sunderland) but before long I was travelling the 600 miles round trip fairly regularly to join in on the group meet ups or various training events hosted by the different team members of the group.
Along the way I’ve met some amazing lasses and this in turn has led to some of the most profitable collaborations to date.
Never underestimate the power of being in a group; when the vibe is right and the foundations are providing genuine support, the power they hold is immeasurable.
Since joining the group I’ve met and worked with MANY of the lasses in there, and I know I’ve got many more projects in the works. It hasn’t just been in my area of expertise either, which is publishing and book design. It’s been merchandise, introductions, speaking connections, and podcasts guest spots which have then led on to further income streams.
I also know that my introductions to this group have had ripple effects too.
The symbiotic relationships that collabs offer are often powerful and far reaching .
But finding the right crowd can be difficult. I’ve been a member of lots of different networking groups, some have been okay, others have been soul destroying. One of the biggest drawbacks when you join one, is you may find that a lot of the members have similar business, or be in the same creative industry. Instinct may make us wary of such places. I mean wouldn’t people steal our ideas, or even worse, steal our clients? This is where, when you find the right group, magic happens.
The biggest key to successful collabs is taking out any competition and having a genuine desire to help and uplift.
When you find that magic place where a group is there to uplift and genuinely support, it doesn’t matter that there are lots of other people who are in the same industry as you, in fact it can be a brilliant place to find your kind, get some help or cross promote. As one of the members in the Northern Lass Lounge says time and time again, you just need to look at the bread aisle to see that people like bread in many forms…and so there are lots of variations of the same product all selling just as well as each other.
So, don’t be afraid of working with others. Even if they’re in the same business as you. Refer each other… suggest other businesses and watch the power that unfolds.
Join groups, join in, take part and refer.
Magic happens when we collaborate with the right people, and they can be waiting for you in the right group on social media.
If you want to join The Northern Lass Lounge, then simply click this link.