Writing a book to some business owners seems an impossible dream, something that takes lots of time and effort, and so is dismissed as a strategy because it’s deemed too much like hard work!
Well what if I tell you that with a bit of creativity (and resourcefulness) producing a book can be an easy and simple tactic and within 12 weeks you too can be a published author. Your book could be listed on Amazon (either as a Kindle, paperback, or both) and working like magic to win new customers and clients like no other lead generating system can.
Want to know how? Well in this blog post I explain the 5 quickest ways to get your book out of your head, and into print and I hope that one of the ways explained below can inspire you to be in the top 0.1% of business owners!
Report– just take your written report and build on it. Each section you have, be it 10, 12, or 24 pages – drill deeper into the subject matter, create a few more subheadings, and before you know it, you have a 64 page book, ready to be typeset or converted to Kindle. Check out Paul Hajek who did just that – he’s now on Amazon and a published author!
Recycle – got a lot of blog posts? Got some great content on your website, but you haven’t got enough traffic for people to benefit from your content? Then use this as a basis for your book. Tim Wareing used his website content for his 2 books, ‘Toddler Soccer’ and ‘1 on 1 Coaching’ – and his books are sold in over 20 countries now – you could do the same!
Write it – you can just simply open your computer, bring up your word processing programme and begin typing. It’s the traditional approach, and for some the easiest way to get their thoughts down and into print. If you’re a keen writer and spend time crafting your blog posts, then this is probably the most natural way for you to write your book. Take a look at Mark May, Rob Purfield, and Simon Lotinga to see their books in print.
Record it/ get it transcribed – this is also a great way of writing a book, quickly and easily. Simply create your blueprint plan, then record yourself talking through it – get the recording transcribed and then edit the result. By far the quickest method, and has worked well for my colleague Ed Rivis, author of 3 books. (Interestingly, his first one was written in the more traditional way, and took a lot longer, the last 2 were all recorded, and took him less than 12 weeks!)
Ghost writer – the most expensive of the 4, but if you’re not a natural writer, and talking is just not your thing, then you can hire a ghost writer to write your book for you. They will need a plan, some ideas of what you want the book to say, and then off they go. Places like LinkedIn, and E-Lance are a great way to resource ghost writers.
So there are 5 simple ways to get your book written. You can even use a bit of each – stich them together – and before you know it you have over 50 pages of A4 (more than enough) which can then be turned into a proper physical paperback book, and listed on Amazon within 4 weeks.
Still not quite sure or need a little help, then simply email me at alexa@thebookrefinery.com and let’s have a chat about how your content/ideas can be quickly and easily turned into a book. With the right framework in place, being a published author is easier than you think. So get in touch, I look forward to hearing from you.