I’m currently working on a project for a client who is offering a free report from his website. It’s a well-designed 32 page downloadable PDF and is working effectively to get names and email addresses of potentially new clients and prospects.
However he wants to ‘up the ante’ and instead offer a special ‘pack’ which contains other pieces of information, including a properly printed, traditional book.
So, does this mean he has to sit at his computer and type up 40,000 words whilst running his busy solicitors firm? No, not at all! All he’s done is asked me to take a look at his already written report and get it formatted so that it looks like a traditional paperback book. Eliminating his need to provide me with any new material (he might tweak a bit here, or add a bit more information from his blog there) and only requires a small amount of his time, while he runs his busy solicitors firm Clutton Cox at www.cluttoncox.co.uk
The result however, will be perceived 10 times higher than the amount of energy invested.
At the end of this project he will be a published author – an accolade of ‘expertness’ will surround his name, and he will be the ‘only logical choice’ to his new potential clients.
This shows 2 important characteristics of a successful businessperson;
- Knowing when to outsource
- Understanding the power of being recognised as an ‘Expert’
Paul isn’t a designer, nor is he someone who knows how to publish a book. So instead he’s outsourced this to someone who does (me!). When you outsource your work to someone, they should then take care of the entire project. (In this case, typesetting the book, negotiating with the printers, obtaining an ISBN number, creating the cover, getting it listed on Amazon etc., etc.) Thus eliminating your involvement to a minimum, whilst still achieving your desired end result – in this case – a book.
Being good in your niche isn’t enough anymore. Competition is fierce and everybody is after new business and new clients to market to. Becoming a recognised expert is a simple and effective way of rising above all of the other businesses within your sector. And one of the most active ways of doing that is to write a book, and become a published author.
This may seem daunting, time consuming and just too difficult, but it doesn’t have to be. Just take what you’ve already got (blog posts, reports, Q&A’s from customers) and outsource it to someone who can then work their magic.
Then you could offer it up for free, (or as part of a pack) either on your website, or on a special landing page (I know an expert who can help with that too!) and you’re good to go.
It really is that simple!
Have an idea that you’re not sure where to go to next? Well get in touch. We can have a quick chat about your potential project and see if we can get it whipped up into a book quickly and easily. Simply email me at alexa@thebookrefinery.com.
I look forward to hearing from you!
Alexa, your book coach